Just because I am preggers does not mean that I can't still love Football. We are playing the Steelers tomorrow and I CAN"T WAIT! Actually, I think I scare Pete with how maniacal I get watching the game. I think I was the loudest, scariest, most emotionally violent person out at the Lebanon BW3s. Pete looked at me like What have you done with my happy, medicated wife?? Personally, I took advantage of the fact that I am pregnant and people can't punch me now. (Ask me about Kentucky Style one day.. seriously.. it happens people. Women do get punched in the face.)
We watched the Browns/Ravens game and it didn't start off too hot. I got worried about my boys and was screaming some obscenities out at the Browns. (no kids in the area.. I did stop once they came in, thank you. I am not completely non-maternal.. I am having a kid, you know!)
Needless to say, Pete shooshed me like 30 times, complained my clapping was TOO loud and that I was just too loud and vocal period. Whatever! We killed them 28-10. They can say something to me and I would actually welcome it. Like my friend Amy says, sometimes you just catch pregnant women at the right time hormonally and it's on! It probably would feel good... not that I condone violence at all, but man, some people just frustrate the heck out of you. (Like mentioning how big/not big you are, etc) Some physical letting loose might actually be good for the baby.
So we go up to BW3s tomorrow to watch the game. Actually, we kind of have to. Because we are so TV obsessed, our DVR is working over time on BOTH tv's and we can't switch channels. That's ok. I am going to proudly wear my Raven's jersey and DARE some Steelers fan to say something to me. Let them fear the wrath of the hormonal pregnant women. After proceeding to kick their ass, I would politely say excuse me as I move back to my seat. Hey.. I want to make sure our kid learns his manners!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Blame it on the baby!
Ok. I am going to make a confession. Now, since this is cyberspace and all, I don't feel so stupid for writing it down as I would saying it out loud. Please be gentle when laughing and making fun of me in the future. It could be you or your eventually knocked up wife that does the retarded thing and then it will be my turn to be catty and bitchy to you.
Pete and I were upstairs on Tuesday, in our home office. Pete was at the computer paying Bills and I was laying on the futon watching tv. I think DWTS was on, and I was highly annoyed at Kim Kardassian for being alive, let alone dancing on tv. During this time, Pinhead was super active. I swear he must have been dancing up a storm in my uterus, because kid was going to town. Meanwhile, I kept mentioning to Pete "OH! He kicked again! Come here! You need to feel this!" As mentioned before, I like sharing these kind of moments with Pete so I don't feel so selfish. (which, if you think about it, is kind of selfish in itself.. hmmmm ponder that one people!)
Pete of course was not paying bills but was in fact looking up fantasy football things. (A lesson in futility if you ask me considering his DISMAL record) I kept bugging him to feel my stomach. At one point, Pinhead did an insane group of kicks that were pretty intense and amazing. Now people, brace yourselves for the stupidity that is about to occur. I am serious. Had someone told me this story I would have turned on my heel and RUN for fear of even remotely catching some of their stupidity. After feeling these intense kicks, I said hey Pete, come here and PROCEEDED TO POINT MY REMOTE CONTROL AT MY STOMACH AND TRIED TO REWIND PINHEADS ACTIONS. Yes, you read that right. I have been sucked into TIVO so much that I thought (even if it was a split second) I could rewind Pinheads kicks and Pete could feel them.
Of course, Pete saw me do this and stared at me. Then the cackling and laughing came. And it came hard. Even I had to laugh at the level of retardedness that I had just experienced. Who does that?? Who tried to rewind their kid in their belly so that the dad could feel the movements?? A pregnant woman, that's who.
So there, I just had to share that little anecdote with you. Pete will eventually blog on here about his perspective, and I am sure he will share his thoughts on that little doozy of a moment. Hope that made you laugh and feel smarter than me. (at least momentarily) I am back to smart Marie and vow never to do that again. Now walking into walls, that's a whole other story and blog for another time!
Pete and I were upstairs on Tuesday, in our home office. Pete was at the computer paying Bills and I was laying on the futon watching tv. I think DWTS was on, and I was highly annoyed at Kim Kardassian for being alive, let alone dancing on tv. During this time, Pinhead was super active. I swear he must have been dancing up a storm in my uterus, because kid was going to town. Meanwhile, I kept mentioning to Pete "OH! He kicked again! Come here! You need to feel this!" As mentioned before, I like sharing these kind of moments with Pete so I don't feel so selfish. (which, if you think about it, is kind of selfish in itself.. hmmmm ponder that one people!)
Pete of course was not paying bills but was in fact looking up fantasy football things. (A lesson in futility if you ask me considering his DISMAL record) I kept bugging him to feel my stomach. At one point, Pinhead did an insane group of kicks that were pretty intense and amazing. Now people, brace yourselves for the stupidity that is about to occur. I am serious. Had someone told me this story I would have turned on my heel and RUN for fear of even remotely catching some of their stupidity. After feeling these intense kicks, I said hey Pete, come here and PROCEEDED TO POINT MY REMOTE CONTROL AT MY STOMACH AND TRIED TO REWIND PINHEADS ACTIONS. Yes, you read that right. I have been sucked into TIVO so much that I thought (even if it was a split second) I could rewind Pinheads kicks and Pete could feel them.
Of course, Pete saw me do this and stared at me. Then the cackling and laughing came. And it came hard. Even I had to laugh at the level of retardedness that I had just experienced. Who does that?? Who tried to rewind their kid in their belly so that the dad could feel the movements?? A pregnant woman, that's who.
So there, I just had to share that little anecdote with you. Pete will eventually blog on here about his perspective, and I am sure he will share his thoughts on that little doozy of a moment. Hope that made you laugh and feel smarter than me. (at least momentarily) I am back to smart Marie and vow never to do that again. Now walking into walls, that's a whole other story and blog for another time!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The HooHaw Dialogues
It's amazing to me how much you can get away with when being pregnant. It reminds me of the episode on How I Met Your Mother when Barney was trying to get a drink and he kept getting denied and finally he mentioned the magic words ITS FOR THE BRIDE and voila! Instant drink in hand. Like a wedding, where it's the Bride's special special special day and she gets pretty much whatever she wants, I feel like being preggers is a get out of jail free card. Seriously, I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Getting pregnant has definitely had its upsides!
Example: The power outage in the Cincy area caused restaurants to have massive waits and lines. One night, Pete and I were in the seat yourself section of the restaurant and I was hungry, so clearly not in the best mood. I was trying as best as I could to be patient, but it just wasn't working. I mentioned to Pete sarcastically that I was a pregnant women and should not have to wait this long and LOW AND BEHOLD a person tells us they are about to get up and we can have their seats. Can you imagine?? I was KIDDING!! It's like Pregnancy is the Jedi Mind Trick that I never mastered. Obi Wan would be soo proud. The person looked at me like I might eat their young if I didn't get their seat with in 7.2 seconds. SERIOUSLY!! It made me wonder, are pregnant women that bad? Do we really spazz out and get emotional and EVIL when we don't get our way. I just want to thank all those evil bee-yotches before me for doing all the dirty work and now I reap all the benefits. I have been pretty good about playing the Preggers card, but man, its starting be worth it!
This also works wonderfully at work. Before, I used to have to wait in line like everyone else for food.. Now, it's "Marie, you are preggers, you get to go first..." OHHHH YEAH!!! I simply put my hand on my belly and people are all like "are you ok? is the baby ok??" I don't want these people to be scared, by any means, but it does make me feel pretty special. My friend Essie and I just had lunch and we got to the restaurant before the rest of the group. The proper and expected thing of course, would be to wait for those that have not arrived before eating. (this is a buffet place) NO FREAKING WAY!! I was hungry!!! Essie and I looked at each other and said.. blame it on the pregnancy for being rude. It worked! I must say, I was pretty ravenous, but I surely could have waited the five minutes for the rest of the group. It was a beautiful thing. They totally understood!!
Another thing.. you can talk about bodily functions and not so pleasant hoo-haw conversations with out shame or worry!! REALLY!!! It's amazing! For those of you that know me, you know that I have a very faulty brain to mouth filter. If I think it, out it comes. Luckily, I do have enough common sense not to talk unmentionables around those that don't know me so well. Lately, I just don't care. I figure, 75% of these women have pushed watermelons out of lemon holes and I need some answers. Under non-sperminated circumstances, they would have looked at me for being quite inappropriate, but now, I am part of the CLUB! That's right.. its like this special knocked up club that you are golden once you join. I have free access to many many things.
So for those of you considering the stork route, I will admit it has its perks. Now, you will be paying out the ying yang for 18 years for 9 months worth of freebies, but hey, take what you can get.
Example: The power outage in the Cincy area caused restaurants to have massive waits and lines. One night, Pete and I were in the seat yourself section of the restaurant and I was hungry, so clearly not in the best mood. I was trying as best as I could to be patient, but it just wasn't working. I mentioned to Pete sarcastically that I was a pregnant women and should not have to wait this long and LOW AND BEHOLD a person tells us they are about to get up and we can have their seats. Can you imagine?? I was KIDDING!! It's like Pregnancy is the Jedi Mind Trick that I never mastered. Obi Wan would be soo proud. The person looked at me like I might eat their young if I didn't get their seat with in 7.2 seconds. SERIOUSLY!! It made me wonder, are pregnant women that bad? Do we really spazz out and get emotional and EVIL when we don't get our way. I just want to thank all those evil bee-yotches before me for doing all the dirty work and now I reap all the benefits. I have been pretty good about playing the Preggers card, but man, its starting be worth it!
This also works wonderfully at work. Before, I used to have to wait in line like everyone else for food.. Now, it's "Marie, you are preggers, you get to go first..." OHHHH YEAH!!! I simply put my hand on my belly and people are all like "are you ok? is the baby ok??" I don't want these people to be scared, by any means, but it does make me feel pretty special. My friend Essie and I just had lunch and we got to the restaurant before the rest of the group. The proper and expected thing of course, would be to wait for those that have not arrived before eating. (this is a buffet place) NO FREAKING WAY!! I was hungry!!! Essie and I looked at each other and said.. blame it on the pregnancy for being rude. It worked! I must say, I was pretty ravenous, but I surely could have waited the five minutes for the rest of the group. It was a beautiful thing. They totally understood!!
Another thing.. you can talk about bodily functions and not so pleasant hoo-haw conversations with out shame or worry!! REALLY!!! It's amazing! For those of you that know me, you know that I have a very faulty brain to mouth filter. If I think it, out it comes. Luckily, I do have enough common sense not to talk unmentionables around those that don't know me so well. Lately, I just don't care. I figure, 75% of these women have pushed watermelons out of lemon holes and I need some answers. Under non-sperminated circumstances, they would have looked at me for being quite inappropriate, but now, I am part of the CLUB! That's right.. its like this special knocked up club that you are golden once you join. I have free access to many many things.
So for those of you considering the stork route, I will admit it has its perks. Now, you will be paying out the ying yang for 18 years for 9 months worth of freebies, but hey, take what you can get.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Baby Stroller Madness
A few posts ago, I said I would include my rantings about baby strollers and the weird hierarchy that is associated with them. This all came about during our Dividend Day at King's Island a while back. King's Island was, of course, infested with young ones and the mechanical mediums that carry them about: strollers. I started noticing a pattern: the type of stroller the people had says LOADS about the people.
The last few weeks have been spent researching strollers. Yes, I am that pathetic. First and foremost, I want something that is safe for Pinhead. Contrary to popular belief, I do think you can blend style and substance. Frumpy and safe are no longer synonymous. In fact, there are a plethora of great choices out there. Unfortunately, you must spend the rest of your life paying for said fashionable stroller.
For our main stroller choice, we actually chose a hybrid, or as baby talk would call it a"Travel System" This is essentially a fancy schmancy term for freaking stroller plus infant car seat. They just want to dress up the language like you actually can travel easily with the pair. We did our due diligence on consumer reports, other blogs, magazines and found that the Chico Cortina Travel System included the number #1 rated infant car seat, the Chico Key Fit. This ultimately made the decision quite easy for us. Yes, the cute car seats are all nice and all, but safety is of the utmost importance. To make sure we made the right choice for the stroller part (yes, they are sold separately, but it's cheaper this way) we test drove it. (well, as much as you can test drive it in Babies R Us.) We were pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to assemble, fold up, and take off the cover seat for washings. It made me think how many soon to be clueless parents actually went through with this part, or did they simply choose it on fabric choice.
The one drawback of the Chico's is the lack of color choices, but we were ok with that. We figured it was the least of our worries. Besides, that fabric is eventually going to be covered with all sorts of god forsaken foreign material that I am far too ladylike to mention here. (hahahahha!) I have noticed that the parents who end up getting the Chico system do their homework, are pretty price conscious but concerned with style and substance. I don't see them around very much, and honestly, I attribute that to Chico's lack of color choices. Glad to see that parents first concern for the well being of their children is how good they look in the stroller.. I guess I would equate the Chicoo to a Volvo. Very safe, decent design, not cheap but not exactly a luxury item, practical, sturdy, smartly thought through and not an eye sore to look at.
Graco strollers are by far the most popular around. I see them everywhere!! I equate these to Hondas or Toyotas. The one plus about Graco's are the amount of choices in fabrics and looks. They are basic, good reliable systems that are fairly priced and available. I am neither offended nor impressed with the Gracos. Just like Toyotas or Honda's, I am glad they are there, but honestly couldn't be bothered with them.
Evenflo and Baby Trends are the Ford's, Chevy's and Kias. Nowhere near the luxury brands, but they offer cheaper lookalike versions of their more expensive cousins. Graco's sometime fall into this category, but just like Honda's and Toyota's , they offer starter versions of their strollers. (a la Yaris and Fit) Please do not think I am being a snob. Ok, I am a being a tiny bit, but it's evident by their quality and presentation that it's more about style than substance. I am sure that they are safe as well, but these are clearly the entry model versions.
Eddie Bauer strollers are the Jeeps or Subarus. Enough said.
Combi's and Peg Perego's are the Jaguars of strollers. Definitely in the luxury category, but not necessarily the best of the best. They seem to be more aspirational than anything else. Again, these don't bother me. I am just kind of blah about them.
Now we get into the Lexus's, Acura's and Infiniti's of the group. Many of you have already read about my lust for a Bugaboo. At 800 dollars, I don't think this is going to happen unless we get blessed by a stroller fairy godmother. I would say these are more the Lexus's. They are by far the best designed, engineered, customizable and easiest to use. Unfortuntately, they come with a hefty price tag, just like their car counterparts. Others that can be placed into this group are the Bumblerides (more Acura than anything), Stokke's (BMW), Joovy's (Mercedes) Baby Planets (Infiniti's) and Maclearens (Range Rovers). A lot of this is subjective, since car choices are a very personal thing. They say a lot about your personality and lifestyle.
Oh.. There is also a line called Mia Moda's that are priced at the Kia level, but function and look like an Acura/Infiniti level. These are quite modern in design and innovation, without the pricetag.
So there you have it. A very short (trust me, I could go on and on and on and on about these strollers) synopsis of which strollers coincide with their car cousins. There are many more strollers out there, and yes i have researched them, but I leave them out for now. So feel free to leave a comment or question about this post. Have fun.. and next time you are out look at the stroller parents are driving and see if they fit the "car" description I have made. Enjoy!!
The last few weeks have been spent researching strollers. Yes, I am that pathetic. First and foremost, I want something that is safe for Pinhead. Contrary to popular belief, I do think you can blend style and substance. Frumpy and safe are no longer synonymous. In fact, there are a plethora of great choices out there. Unfortunately, you must spend the rest of your life paying for said fashionable stroller.
For our main stroller choice, we actually chose a hybrid, or as baby talk would call it a"Travel System" This is essentially a fancy schmancy term for freaking stroller plus infant car seat. They just want to dress up the language like you actually can travel easily with the pair. We did our due diligence on consumer reports, other blogs, magazines and found that the Chico Cortina Travel System included the number #1 rated infant car seat, the Chico Key Fit. This ultimately made the decision quite easy for us. Yes, the cute car seats are all nice and all, but safety is of the utmost importance. To make sure we made the right choice for the stroller part (yes, they are sold separately, but it's cheaper this way) we test drove it. (well, as much as you can test drive it in Babies R Us.) We were pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to assemble, fold up, and take off the cover seat for washings. It made me think how many soon to be clueless parents actually went through with this part, or did they simply choose it on fabric choice.
The one drawback of the Chico's is the lack of color choices, but we were ok with that. We figured it was the least of our worries. Besides, that fabric is eventually going to be covered with all sorts of god forsaken foreign material that I am far too ladylike to mention here. (hahahahha!) I have noticed that the parents who end up getting the Chico system do their homework, are pretty price conscious but concerned with style and substance. I don't see them around very much, and honestly, I attribute that to Chico's lack of color choices. Glad to see that parents first concern for the well being of their children is how good they look in the stroller.. I guess I would equate the Chicoo to a Volvo. Very safe, decent design, not cheap but not exactly a luxury item, practical, sturdy, smartly thought through and not an eye sore to look at.
Graco strollers are by far the most popular around. I see them everywhere!! I equate these to Hondas or Toyotas. The one plus about Graco's are the amount of choices in fabrics and looks. They are basic, good reliable systems that are fairly priced and available. I am neither offended nor impressed with the Gracos. Just like Toyotas or Honda's, I am glad they are there, but honestly couldn't be bothered with them.
Evenflo and Baby Trends are the Ford's, Chevy's and Kias. Nowhere near the luxury brands, but they offer cheaper lookalike versions of their more expensive cousins. Graco's sometime fall into this category, but just like Honda's and Toyota's , they offer starter versions of their strollers. (a la Yaris and Fit) Please do not think I am being a snob. Ok, I am a being a tiny bit, but it's evident by their quality and presentation that it's more about style than substance. I am sure that they are safe as well, but these are clearly the entry model versions.
Eddie Bauer strollers are the Jeeps or Subarus. Enough said.
Combi's and Peg Perego's are the Jaguars of strollers. Definitely in the luxury category, but not necessarily the best of the best. They seem to be more aspirational than anything else. Again, these don't bother me. I am just kind of blah about them.
Now we get into the Lexus's, Acura's and Infiniti's of the group. Many of you have already read about my lust for a Bugaboo. At 800 dollars, I don't think this is going to happen unless we get blessed by a stroller fairy godmother. I would say these are more the Lexus's. They are by far the best designed, engineered, customizable and easiest to use. Unfortuntately, they come with a hefty price tag, just like their car counterparts. Others that can be placed into this group are the Bumblerides (more Acura than anything), Stokke's (BMW), Joovy's (Mercedes) Baby Planets (Infiniti's) and Maclearens (Range Rovers). A lot of this is subjective, since car choices are a very personal thing. They say a lot about your personality and lifestyle.
Oh.. There is also a line called Mia Moda's that are priced at the Kia level, but function and look like an Acura/Infiniti level. These are quite modern in design and innovation, without the pricetag.
So there you have it. A very short (trust me, I could go on and on and on and on about these strollers) synopsis of which strollers coincide with their car cousins. There are many more strollers out there, and yes i have researched them, but I leave them out for now. So feel free to leave a comment or question about this post. Have fun.. and next time you are out look at the stroller parents are driving and see if they fit the "car" description I have made. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
They didn't tell me my boobs and back would hurt this much!
Ugh.. so I have gone the last 26 weeks with out major issues. My first trimester was pretty easy, thank goodness. Yes, I had the occasional bout of nausea and queasiness, but nothing major. My second trimester has passed without major incident as well, unless of course you count bronchitis and power outages as incidents. Now we are in the final stretch and I have a feeling I am going to pay DEARLY for having had such a decent pregnancy.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not one of those women who is going to lie and say "Oh I loved being pregnant and its made me feel so beautiful or I feel so much more womanly". Puleeze. I seriously want to punch some of those women. They are so full of poopy diapers. Personally, I think they drink a little too much of the breeder kool aid. So far, I have described my pregnancy to my friends as being super constipated. Really.. that's what it has felt like. Until recently, AJ's kicks felt like gas or popcorn popping in my stomach.
Now, with only 14 weeks to go, I must say that I just want to meet my kid and get him out! I know I ( and my hoo-haw) will pay dearly once he is here, but it will be worth it. At least I hope so! My boobs are now H's. Yes, you read that right. H"S!!! My friend Roz is completely obsessed with them because of the sheer fact that they are real and even bigger than they were before. For those of you wondering, yes, I can find bra's in my size. Well, at one store. About 25 miles away. Needless to say, they hurt my back. ALOT. I can only imagine how much bigger they will get. Please start praying for me (and the kid) now. Seriously. I am actually afraid I am going to suffocate him with my huge knockers.
Pete is currently suffering from back pains as well, but he swears it's not sympathy pains. I personally think it's his ass that is bothering him, and I am the root of all of it. :-) So throw him in the prayer circle as well.
So there.. I just wanted to whine about my back and boobs hurting me right now. Be thankful its not you with these H's....
Now don't get me wrong. I am not one of those women who is going to lie and say "Oh I loved being pregnant and its made me feel so beautiful or I feel so much more womanly". Puleeze. I seriously want to punch some of those women. They are so full of poopy diapers. Personally, I think they drink a little too much of the breeder kool aid. So far, I have described my pregnancy to my friends as being super constipated. Really.. that's what it has felt like. Until recently, AJ's kicks felt like gas or popcorn popping in my stomach.
Now, with only 14 weeks to go, I must say that I just want to meet my kid and get him out! I know I ( and my hoo-haw) will pay dearly once he is here, but it will be worth it. At least I hope so! My boobs are now H's. Yes, you read that right. H"S!!! My friend Roz is completely obsessed with them because of the sheer fact that they are real and even bigger than they were before. For those of you wondering, yes, I can find bra's in my size. Well, at one store. About 25 miles away. Needless to say, they hurt my back. ALOT. I can only imagine how much bigger they will get. Please start praying for me (and the kid) now. Seriously. I am actually afraid I am going to suffocate him with my huge knockers.
Pete is currently suffering from back pains as well, but he swears it's not sympathy pains. I personally think it's his ass that is bothering him, and I am the root of all of it. :-) So throw him in the prayer circle as well.
So there.. I just wanted to whine about my back and boobs hurting me right now. Be thankful its not you with these H's....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Yeah! We have power!!
For those of you that do not live in the Ohio valley, we had a HUGE wind storm on Sunday that left the area with a ton of damage and lots of power outages! Thank god, nothing was damaged on our house, but we were without power since Sunday. That's right people.. SUNDAY. Now, do not get me wrong. I completely understand that on the grand scheme of things, it could have been far worse, but to a pregnant lady who LOVES her TV, this was torture.
My heart goes out to the people in Texas right now. I can only imagine how hard it must be to be with out the simple necessities like food, water, gas, AIR CONDITIONING! Can you try and go for a few days in sweltering 90 degree heat with out it? I would rather walk in crocs for the rest of my life than go with out A.C. (that is saying a lot people.. you all know how much I hate them.. but that's another blog)
On the positive, I did get some of the best sleep of my life the last few days. It does help that I have had to take some codeine laced medicine to help with my bronchitis, but that's besides the fact. I am going to try to continue the good sleeping habits that have come about because of the power outage. And you know what else.. showering in the dark is kind of fun.. well more like showering by flashlight. It is very soothing.. for those of you looking for a relaxing way to bathe, try it.. maybe that's why spas do all those candles and crap.
So anyway... I just wanted to let everyone know how happy I am to have my TV.. I mean, our electricity back. Thank you Jesus! I promise to blog about my stroller heir achy theory in the days to come... And of course, my utter hatred of crocs....Smooches!
My heart goes out to the people in Texas right now. I can only imagine how hard it must be to be with out the simple necessities like food, water, gas, AIR CONDITIONING! Can you try and go for a few days in sweltering 90 degree heat with out it? I would rather walk in crocs for the rest of my life than go with out A.C. (that is saying a lot people.. you all know how much I hate them.. but that's another blog)
On the positive, I did get some of the best sleep of my life the last few days. It does help that I have had to take some codeine laced medicine to help with my bronchitis, but that's besides the fact. I am going to try to continue the good sleeping habits that have come about because of the power outage. And you know what else.. showering in the dark is kind of fun.. well more like showering by flashlight. It is very soothing.. for those of you looking for a relaxing way to bathe, try it.. maybe that's why spas do all those candles and crap.
So anyway... I just wanted to let everyone know how happy I am to have my TV.. I mean, our electricity back. Thank you Jesus! I promise to blog about my stroller heir achy theory in the days to come... And of course, my utter hatred of crocs....Smooches!
Friday, September 12, 2008
My favorite channel on tv right now...
For those of you that grew up in the 80's, Boomerang is a gift from God! Until the new seasons start on TV, there is very little that I get any real enjoyment from. Sure, there are the few exceptions like Eureka (what a great, under appreciated show!) and Wipeout. (of course we get pleasure watching these idiots try to take on ridiculous obstacles and nearly killing themselves in the process) But, until September 22nd, Boomerang is my channel of choice.
I haven't seen Richie Rich in ages!! I cringe when I see what is being passed off as "cartoons" on various channels. I mean seriously.. what are they thinking? And don't even get me started on that little HOrrific tartlet Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana. Ugh. Whatever happened to simple cartoon premises, like finding the pound puppies hidden bone stash or Richie Riche's time travel escapade to Camelot? These days, there has to be some nuclear event, a transgendered endangered species, some global warming epidemic, fashion crisis and ever present product placement. Of the cartoons that are from today's generation, the only ones Pete and I like are Spongebob Squarepants and The Fairly Oddparents. (hands down, the best cartoon out there right now)
So I digress... Right now, the only thing that I want to watch are cartoons. I don't want to watch anything political, dramatic, scandalous, etc. It's not that I think its going to get passed down on to Pinhead, its just simply that I want to be entertained. That's all. I just want to be amused with simple and sweet animation.
It's a wonder that these children now a days grow up so fast. Even the cartoons offer very adult situations, giving these kids very little escapism. Pete has vowed our child will grow up loving Bugs Bunny, classic Disney & Pixar, Sesame Street and, of course, the Muppet's. Although he may be ridiculed for not being "with it" on the cartoons being offered, at least we can rest assured his brain is not being bombarded with stupidism.
So there.. I admit.. I am a total child of the 80's. All I need to make my day complete is watch some She-ra and break out my Rainbow Brite. Random blog topic, I know.. but you all secretly just agreed with me, didn't you?
I haven't seen Richie Rich in ages!! I cringe when I see what is being passed off as "cartoons" on various channels. I mean seriously.. what are they thinking? And don't even get me started on that little HOrrific tartlet Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana. Ugh. Whatever happened to simple cartoon premises, like finding the pound puppies hidden bone stash or Richie Riche's time travel escapade to Camelot? These days, there has to be some nuclear event, a transgendered endangered species, some global warming epidemic, fashion crisis and ever present product placement. Of the cartoons that are from today's generation, the only ones Pete and I like are Spongebob Squarepants and The Fairly Oddparents. (hands down, the best cartoon out there right now)
So I digress... Right now, the only thing that I want to watch are cartoons. I don't want to watch anything political, dramatic, scandalous, etc. It's not that I think its going to get passed down on to Pinhead, its just simply that I want to be entertained. That's all. I just want to be amused with simple and sweet animation.
It's a wonder that these children now a days grow up so fast. Even the cartoons offer very adult situations, giving these kids very little escapism. Pete has vowed our child will grow up loving Bugs Bunny, classic Disney & Pixar, Sesame Street and, of course, the Muppet's. Although he may be ridiculed for not being "with it" on the cartoons being offered, at least we can rest assured his brain is not being bombarded with stupidism.
So there.. I admit.. I am a total child of the 80's. All I need to make my day complete is watch some She-ra and break out my Rainbow Brite. Random blog topic, I know.. but you all secretly just agreed with me, didn't you?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Not feeling so hot, part 2.
Hi everyone.. just wanted to let you all know that I am still feeling very sick. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow at 1pm. I will update as soon as I know what the heck I have. In the meantime, please keep us (me and pinhead) in your thoughts, prayers and positiveness. It can never hurt to have too much of any of those! Love and hugs to all. (PS: its probably a chest cold/infection.. not some serious baby issue)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Project Runway
Pete and I were watching Project Runway and I realized that they need to do a maternity competition! Have you seen some of the offerings that stores are passing off as "fashion" to pregnant women? Atrocious! I think there are some very very angry men who are designing for these women. There are some cute clothes but they are meant for women who were size 2's prior to being sperminated. I am pretty lucky so far to still be able to wear my pre-preggers clothes. I do have my fabric stretchy fabric panel pants, but they are still a bit big. I wonder why its so hard for designers to think about the big picture for pregnant women. First and foremost, we want comfort. Duh. But, as with anything, you can still be very stylish and comfortable. They can be synonymous people! Think DVF's wrap dress. A simple and easy piece that translates well on ANY figure. (Diane VonFurstenburg, FYI) Most of her dresses are in an easy jersey fabric that is non-wrinkling and super light to wear. You would think that it would be nearly impossible to ruin this style on pregnant women, but it can be done. I have walked into a certain maternity store and have seen HORRIBLE representations of this dress. The patterns.. the colors.. UGH. I don't know about other pregnant women, but dark, simple NEUTRAL colors are my best friend right now. The last thing I want is some heinous floral pattern with bright blue and green on it. YUCK. And these patterns aren't simply restricted to dresses, oh no. They want to take over the world , one horrible pattern at a time. And you know what's worse? I have seen women BUY them!! Yes! Egad! I mean, just because you are preggers does not mean you have to lose your sense of self or style. Like newly engaged women, it seems that once you get the big news, all sense of reason and logic goes out the window. (have you seen Bridezilla's? Oh. My. God. ) Pre-spremination, would you have bought that sparkly silver threaded mumu? Seriously? Just because you have another life in you does not mean you have to sacrifice your own. I want to scream at some of these women.. and slap their hands away from their wallets as they reach to pay the cashier. I think that along with Childbirth classes, they should offer classes in taste. And don't even get me started on nurseries.. we will save that for another blog. So yes. For those of you that are still without children, print this little blog out and save it. Then, when you are knocked up, take it out and paste it on your refrigerator. You and your sense of style will thank me for it!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Feel like poo...
So for me, nothing is worse than being pregnant AND sick. This past Sunday, my allergies went berserk and from there, proceeded to become a yucky sinus infection. I woke up Monday feeling quite ill, but knew I had to go to work to finish up some items. I was able to manage an appointment and the doctor gave me some antibiotics. Last night, it manifested into a horrible chest cold PLUS the sinus infection, so here I am. Bored, feeling like crap and miserable. I figure I can at least write a little post of what's going on today. Let's see.. I couldn't sleep very well last night since I could barely breathe. When I finally fell asleep, it was about 4 am and I woke up at 11. There is no worse feeling in the world like having your chest feel like there is an oompa loompa sitting on top of it. Sometimes, I even sound like Darth Vader.. its kind of cool. Well, not really, but I am trying to find the positive in everything. Let's hope I feel better so I can return to work tomorrow. I am sure that I have 503 emails waiting for me. Yuck
On a super happy note, Pete finally felt Pinhead kick yesterday! I have been feeling very selfish lately, since I am the one interacting with the baby. Every time he would put his hand on my belly, AJ (another nickname.. so we have two, pinhead and AJ) would suddenly feel shy and not move for him. Well, low and behold, AJ finally kicked for Pete and he was able to feel it. Even feeling sick, it was pretty cool.
Ok.. thats it for now. I wanted to at least post something today. Sorry it's not funny or witty.. but at least you got something!
On a super happy note, Pete finally felt Pinhead kick yesterday! I have been feeling very selfish lately, since I am the one interacting with the baby. Every time he would put his hand on my belly, AJ (another nickname.. so we have two, pinhead and AJ) would suddenly feel shy and not move for him. Well, low and behold, AJ finally kicked for Pete and he was able to feel it. Even feeling sick, it was pretty cool.
Ok.. thats it for now. I wanted to at least post something today. Sorry it's not funny or witty.. but at least you got something!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Registry Overstimulation!
OK.. so one of the fun things about any big event (baby, wedding, etc.) is REGISTERING. I don't care what anyone says! Making a wish list of stuff you don't have to buy is super fun and liberating. At least, I think it is.
Now, don't get me wrong. It's not just fun for me. That zap gun thing is probably the highlight of any guys time registering. Actually, its the only thing that gets Pete to register with me. I will admit, it is a bit annoying having to delete the 438 extra items you don't need because he went a little carried away "zapping" the bar codes. He also has a blast zapping my butt and says it's worth nothing since it doesn't come up with a price. Seriously. This is what I have to deal with when registering. It is amusing though. The poses alone are worth the trip.
My qualms are.. how much is too much? Is it too expensive to put on the registry? Is it really necessary? I understand the concept of registering, but it's still hard not to get greedy or carried away. Yes, I really really REALLY want a Bugaboo stroller, but who in God's good name is gonna put an $800 stroller on their registry? Maybe celebrities, but certainly not us! (normal people that is!) I have been going over the registry almost daily right now. Adding, deleting, updating the quantities. It's exhausting. They should have professionals to do this sort of thing. That way, people can't snicker or be catty about you when looking it over. You can blame it on your "registry engineers".
And another thing.. how in the world is a pregnant woman not change her mind those last three months. Do you know that I have changed my mind at LEAST 7 times just on the pack and play. Yes.. the stupid pack and play! The first one was a Chicco.. but the reviews didn't look so hot. Then I went and consulted our Consumer Reports guide (GOD, what would we do without that???) and put on their best rated one. I ended up taking that one off because it was TOO ORANGE. Really. Orange. The next one was put on because it was a better price point. That quickly changed because I didn't like the fabric. Repeat this process at least three more times and there you go. I have, for now, settled on a pack and play, but am toying with the idea of yet again removing it due to it's higher price. Ugh. The stress.
I hope that people's opinion of us doesn't change after looking over our baby registry. (Shameless plug here.. its under Marie Hackman at babiesrus. Hey.. it's worth a try, right??) I feel a bit excessive with 140 items on the list. 75 of those I think are cd's and dvd's that Pete secretly put on when I lost him in the aisle. I found him mesmorized and posing. It wasn't pretty. Just remember.. one of these days it might be you with that zap gun. So be gentle!
Now, don't get me wrong. It's not just fun for me. That zap gun thing is probably the highlight of any guys time registering. Actually, its the only thing that gets Pete to register with me. I will admit, it is a bit annoying having to delete the 438 extra items you don't need because he went a little carried away "zapping" the bar codes. He also has a blast zapping my butt and says it's worth nothing since it doesn't come up with a price. Seriously. This is what I have to deal with when registering. It is amusing though. The poses alone are worth the trip.
My qualms are.. how much is too much? Is it too expensive to put on the registry? Is it really necessary? I understand the concept of registering, but it's still hard not to get greedy or carried away. Yes, I really really REALLY want a Bugaboo stroller, but who in God's good name is gonna put an $800 stroller on their registry? Maybe celebrities, but certainly not us! (normal people that is!) I have been going over the registry almost daily right now. Adding, deleting, updating the quantities. It's exhausting. They should have professionals to do this sort of thing. That way, people can't snicker or be catty about you when looking it over. You can blame it on your "registry engineers".
And another thing.. how in the world is a pregnant woman not change her mind those last three months. Do you know that I have changed my mind at LEAST 7 times just on the pack and play. Yes.. the stupid pack and play! The first one was a Chicco.. but the reviews didn't look so hot. Then I went and consulted our Consumer Reports guide (GOD, what would we do without that???) and put on their best rated one. I ended up taking that one off because it was TOO ORANGE. Really. Orange. The next one was put on because it was a better price point. That quickly changed because I didn't like the fabric. Repeat this process at least three more times and there you go. I have, for now, settled on a pack and play, but am toying with the idea of yet again removing it due to it's higher price. Ugh. The stress.
I hope that people's opinion of us doesn't change after looking over our baby registry. (Shameless plug here.. its under Marie Hackman at babiesrus. Hey.. it's worth a try, right??) I feel a bit excessive with 140 items on the list. 75 of those I think are cd's and dvd's that Pete secretly put on when I lost him in the aisle. I found him mesmorized and posing. It wasn't pretty. Just remember.. one of these days it might be you with that zap gun. So be gentle!
Start Praying for this kid now
Alrighty you guys.. I know this blog has been a LONG time coming, but I have been a wee bit busy with this whole pregnancy thing. For those of you who don't know me too well, my name is Marie Bonaccorse soon to be Hackman. Yes, I am married, but I am quite fond of my maiden name and thought I would never have to change it. The one stipulation Pete and I put on me was if we were to have a child, I would change it to Hackman so that we can be one happy family unit. We also said we were never going to have children (more on that one later) so I thought I was safe.
Well end of March, early April, the poo hit the fan! I had a dream I was pregnant and brushed it aside for about two weeks. Unfortunately, there was a nagging suspicion that I should at least check it out. Three pregnancy tests and a whole lot of HOLY SH**'s later, we confirmed the unimaginable! We were expecting.
I have always stated that children were cute and nice, but they were not for me. Somewhere in my family lineage, the maternal DNA had skipped over me, causing me to feel very little for the screams and whims of very whiny, bratty children. I had even less patience for the parental units of said whiny children. To give some perspective, one of my favorite movies EVER is Mommie Dearest. Yes, the no wire hangers ever movie. (and Yes, there are no WIRE hangers in my house. ANYWHERE) I think I first saw that movie when I was five. My mom must have had the Tv on for background noise, because had she known the mental reprecutions it would have on me, she would have shut it off at once. I remember watching that movie, insanely jealous of the beautiful clothes that Christina got from her mommie. I also, sadly enough, remember thinking that she deserved her very brutal beating for putting her gorgeous dresses on a wire hanger. Being the respectful, loving, WONDERFUL child I was, I knew I would never disobey my mother if it came to clothing and her wishes like that.
I digress.. well not really. Now you see what this poor kid is going to be dealing with. We just recently found out we are having a boy. I also had a dream about having a boy about 8 weeks in and in the dream I screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs in distress upon learning the news in my ob/gyn's office. I don't think that was quite the reaction a doctor would want from a patient. I took this dream to heart, and knew deep down inside it was a boy. I have always wanted a girl to share clothes, fashion and my womanly ways with, but alas, it was not meant to be. On the bright side of having a boy.. I get to keep all my accessories and don't have to share funds for them with him. Thank god. My Manolo's are safe. For now.
Speaking of the dream thing.. why can't I dream that we won 30 billion dollars. Every other dream has come true so far... oh well.
Anyway, I have to get going. Our Maryland friends have always thought God had an ironic sense of humor with bestowing us with a child and have asked that I start posting my weird musings on the Internet. They have also said they would start a prayer circle now for the poor child. Let's hope it works. He's gonna need all the help he can get!
Well end of March, early April, the poo hit the fan! I had a dream I was pregnant and brushed it aside for about two weeks. Unfortunately, there was a nagging suspicion that I should at least check it out. Three pregnancy tests and a whole lot of HOLY SH**'s later, we confirmed the unimaginable! We were expecting.
I have always stated that children were cute and nice, but they were not for me. Somewhere in my family lineage, the maternal DNA had skipped over me, causing me to feel very little for the screams and whims of very whiny, bratty children. I had even less patience for the parental units of said whiny children. To give some perspective, one of my favorite movies EVER is Mommie Dearest. Yes, the no wire hangers ever movie. (and Yes, there are no WIRE hangers in my house. ANYWHERE) I think I first saw that movie when I was five. My mom must have had the Tv on for background noise, because had she known the mental reprecutions it would have on me, she would have shut it off at once. I remember watching that movie, insanely jealous of the beautiful clothes that Christina got from her mommie. I also, sadly enough, remember thinking that she deserved her very brutal beating for putting her gorgeous dresses on a wire hanger. Being the respectful, loving, WONDERFUL child I was, I knew I would never disobey my mother if it came to clothing and her wishes like that.
I digress.. well not really. Now you see what this poor kid is going to be dealing with. We just recently found out we are having a boy. I also had a dream about having a boy about 8 weeks in and in the dream I screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs in distress upon learning the news in my ob/gyn's office. I don't think that was quite the reaction a doctor would want from a patient. I took this dream to heart, and knew deep down inside it was a boy. I have always wanted a girl to share clothes, fashion and my womanly ways with, but alas, it was not meant to be. On the bright side of having a boy.. I get to keep all my accessories and don't have to share funds for them with him. Thank god. My Manolo's are safe. For now.
Speaking of the dream thing.. why can't I dream that we won 30 billion dollars. Every other dream has come true so far... oh well.
Anyway, I have to get going. Our Maryland friends have always thought God had an ironic sense of humor with bestowing us with a child and have asked that I start posting my weird musings on the Internet. They have also said they would start a prayer circle now for the poor child. Let's hope it works. He's gonna need all the help he can get!
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- Football!
- Blame it on the baby!
- The HooHaw Dialogues
- Baby Stroller Madness
- They didn't tell me my boobs and back would hurt t...
- Yeah! We have power!!
- My favorite channel on tv right now...
- Not feeling so hot, part 2.
- Project Runway
- Feel like poo...
- Registry Overstimulation!
- Start Praying for this kid now
About Me
- Marie
- Mom, community manager, Puerto Rican Princess, novice sewer, professional Pinner, Facebooker extraordinaire and love the twittervers. Anything else?