Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's been a while!

Morning everyone! I am so sorry that we haven't written in a while, but the last two weeks have been busy, to say the LEAST! Pete and I travelled to Florida last week for a much needed break and to participate in my brother's amazing wedding. Although it was a very intimate and small wedding, it totally fitted John and Christina's personalities to a "t". I was super proud of him, and I couldn't be happier having Christina in our family. I always knew she would make a great sister, and she is such a wonderful addition to our family!

The rest of our time in Florida was spent hanging out with my family, which is super important to me. My grandmother is closing in on 90, and I am very aware that she won't be here forever, so this time spent with her was even more precious to me. Having also spent time with both my aunts and cousins (Des and Eddie) was wonderful as well. I miss them tons already, but know I will see them soon.

For those of you that have seen the update on facebook, I will now fill you in on our very eventful Sunday evening/ Monday. Sunday was spent shopping with Pete and Desiree at one of the 7 billion outlet malls in central Florida. We had a great time and did manage to find some awesome deals. (hellooo.. La Perla undies for 5 bucks a piece.. yeah.. thats right.. wohoo!) After our pilgrimage, we stopped at a Checkers (YUM) and came back to the hotel.

Later that evening, I wasn't feeling so hot. We had made plans to meet with John, Chris and other good friends at a German restaurant. Now, mind you, I have been looking forward to this outing for WEEKS, if not months, since it has been a while since I had a decent schnitzel. (and get your minds out of the gutter.. its not THAT kind of wiener, you pervs)

The entire ride to Sanford was spent breathing and slowly realizing the horror that I wasn't feeling so hot and, dare I say it, NAUSEOUS. I already can't drink my beloved German beer, but to not feel like eating my Jager Schnitzel was just agonizing. We finally arrive at the restaurant and BOOM. I have to puke. And not just once, but about four times. The evening was spent looking longingly at Pete's yummy dish and my absolute sheer determination to not throw up again.

Finally, I broke down and had to excuse myself from the group. By this point, I was pretty miserable and no longer wanted to smell any German food for the rest of my life. We called my amazing cousin Maria del Mar and asked for her advice on what I could take. We stopped at a local walgreens and went on our way. Pete, being the very proactive husband he is, thought to take a few extra bags just in case I didn't make it to John's house.

So there was are.. trucking along, when all of the sudden, Pete goes UH OH and grabs the bags and starts spewing like he was in the exorcist movie. Seriously people, not to be graphic, but this kid threw up like a champ! Thank god he double bagged it. Needless to say, he has forever ruined Jagerschnitzel for me, and I will never ever look at beer the same.

We finally reach John's house and Pete and I are both in dire straights. We stick around and wait for John, Chris and Wolfram to come home. Low and behold, John is now sick and heaving his brains out. I kid you not people, it was like a scene out of the movie Outbreak. We couldn't believe it. At this point, the story gets repetitive, so I will give you the Cliffs notes version.

We get to the hotel, Pete and I continue violent puking and now pooping cycle Dad now joins in the festivities. Get a call from Chris that Wolfram didn't want to be left out and now he joins the inner sanctum of pukies. Call Desiree.. she is sick too.... AHHHHH!!!

The morning finally comes and I am too weak to do anything and quite frankly, too terrified to drink or eat. I was tired of puking and don't think I could have taken anymore. Finally, with my dad being so weak as well, and me starting to worry about Charlie, we decided to go to the ER to get re hydrated.

So to fastfoward, we spent the entire day in the ER and I ended up being transferred VIA FREAKIN AMBULANCE to a maternity hospital in Downtown Orlando because of some worries the ER doctor had. What seemed like an eternity and what I am sure will be a 10,000 dollar bill later, I came out with a good clean of health.

So that's that. I will try to post the pictures up from my very eventful Monday so that you all can relive what was me in all my miserable, hospital gown glory.

And don't fret, both Charlie, me, dad, John, Wolfram, Desiree and the Champ himself, Pete are fine. Thank god. Well, Pete will be fine, i am sure until he sees the hospital bill.

1 comment:

WMG said...

Hey Marie...
It is all your fault!! And never come back to me and say otherwise... I have finally done it - inspired by YOU... there you go
tell me what'ya think would you kindly?

Take care! Miss you guys already tons!


About Me

Mom, community manager, Puerto Rican Princess, novice sewer, professional Pinner, Facebooker extraordinaire and love the twittervers. Anything else?